Applying For Assistance

Assistance through The Ed Blewer Assistance Foundation (EBAF) is meant as a source of financial assistance of last resort. The Fund will not loan funds for drug screens, or to individuals who have other means of support for financing their treatment costs. Thus, Assistance from the Fund will only occur after the Applicant has honestly confirmed the absence of financial resource options through their own insurance, or through friends or family, or through their employer or through their own assets, or through other means.

Ed Blewer Assistance Foundation applicants will be required to provide all sources of their current income as well as the manner in which they are meeting their current living expenses. This includes any other sources of income or gifts, other means of support, and all other potential sources of funds for treatment (including family and bank loans).


If you have been recommended to the Ed Blewer Assistance Foundation by an EBAF-approved source and have received a password for access to our application, please proceed below.